I came across this song in "Lost" tv series, and thereafter did a quick wiki and get know about this song. I personally like it very much and like to share with the readers here.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Posted by
cHee kIN
10:55 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Power of Stock Market
In less than a month, my stock investment portfolio turn red by a negative return of whopping 14%. I started trading in the midst of last year and make some decent gain of 10% by Dec 2007.
Counters like TopGlove and Tenaga eroded in values up to 50% and 40% each. The two counters alone almost offset all my gain last year. Therefore, some major mistakes can really cost hefty no matter how good you performed in the past. In some respect, this is a good lesson learn for me, you never considered in-money and the market can just wipe you out anytime if you did bad.
As a greenhorn, i really have so much to learn. :)
Posted by
cHee kIN
8:50 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Victory of People
We gathered in front of the TV watching the election result. Initially the results were all about BN winning the seats, at one time it even reached a 30+ to 1 (opposition). I was thought this might be another landslide victory for the BN. But slowly the news of opposition victories started flowing in. Until to an extent that the official TV channel RTM no longer kept up (purposely?) with the latest news. We then switched to internet and it confirmed the opposition had denied the BN 2/3 majority.
I hope the BN will do some self-reflection and corrected their path. The country still need their leadership for a better tomorrow. What the people looking for is to have a clean government which will service for the people and take people welfare as the priority. BN had been clinging on power for too long and forgot their mandate is given by people. And now let's lobby everyone effort (both BN and opposition) and make sure our country can advance to next level, a whole new future.
Posted by
cHee kIN
5:45 PM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Attended political speech
Yesterday night was the first time that i attended political speech. I now understood the thrill and adrenaline rush you will get from a good political speaker. No deny that opposition party has better position to attract the speakers especially when they spoke out the discontent of the public. Nevertheless Malaysia is an unique country, the sheer quantity of throng who attend the speech does not necessary reflect the real situation.
Notwithstanding this fact, for the wellness of the country, I hope all will come out and vote, vote for ourselves and our coming generation. Please ditch all dirty politicians and send them to "Holland"... (if you know Chinese, you know what that means)
Posted by
cHee kIN
6:27 PM